Why 1000+ Charges Actually Makes a Difference

We are incredibly proud of the fact that our batteries are designed and built to be recharged 1,000+ times. So much so that we take every opportunity we can get to let consumers know. But we also want folks to know that the potential for so many charge cycles actually makes a real difference in the modern world.
The ability to recharge lithium-ion USB-C batteries doesn't exist in isolation. How rechargeable batteries are used, and what that means for single-use batteries, affects many other things. It is like anything else. Every action a person takes triggers a cascading cycle of more actions.
Recharging Reduces Waste
Did you know that around million single-use batteries are thrown away every day in the US alone? That is a lot of batteries. Now consider the difference if each one of those single-use batteries were replaced by a USB-C rechargeable battery. Remember that our batteries can be recharged 1,000+ times.
Looked at from a per-charge perspective, a lithium-ion battery lasts 1,000 times longer than a single-use battery. Talk about reducing the waste stream! How many billions of batteries would be kept out of the waste stream every year if everybody switched to rechargeables?
Changing the Disposable Mindset
Reducing our collective waste stream should be enough motivation for everyone to make the switch. But why stop there? Having the ability to recharge 1,000+ times can also make an enormous difference in a person's mindset. It can help change a disposable mindset into one that looks for ways to reuse, repurpose, and recycle.
Let's face it, we live in a disposable society. Our access to cheap consumer goods makes it easy for us to throw things away on a whim. If we really want to change that mindset, there is no better place to start in getting rid of disposable batteries and replacing them with rechargeable lithium-ion batteries.
Saving a Ton of Money
Let’s continue with ways having 1,000+ charge cycles makes a difference, this time talking about money. There is no need to get into complicated math here. Just think about how much you pay for a 4-pack of AAA alkaline batteries. How much would you spend on the same number of rechargeable lithium-ions?
You could pay four or five times as much at checkout. But in the long run, you would get 1,000+ uses out of each battery. You would spend a whole lot more – thousands more in fact – to buy the equivalent in alkaline batteries. Charge-for charge, lithium-ion batteries are undeniably and considerably cheaper.
Contributing to Sustainability
The ability to charge a USB-C battery 1,000+ times equates to having to manufacture and transport fewer batteries to produce the same amount of electricity. Manufacturing fewer batteries means utilizing fewer natural resources. It also means generating less pollution in the manufacturing process.
Add it all up and it is clear that rechargeable batteries have a positive impact on sustainability. And don't forget the previously mentioned idea of reducing the waste stream. That is obviously good for sustainability as well.
It is More Than Just a Number
Some people may look at the idea of charging a lithium-ion battery 1,000+ times and see just a number. We see so much more. Every charge cycle represents the need for one less alkaline battery. Every charge cycle means less waste, less money spent on batteries, and yet another contribution to sustainability.
So, what do you think? Are you ready to start buying batteries you can charge 1,000+ times? If so, we have just what you're looking for. Our USB-C rechargeable batteries come in all the most popular form factors. Why not check them out?
- Tags: Rechargeable Batteries