
Why Lithium Is Such a Great Material for Batteries

Battery technologies come and go as scientists discover better ways to do things. However, it may not be so easy to replace the lithium-ion battery. Lithium is such a great material for batteries that scientists...
li-ion battery chart

5 Things LED Bulbs and Lithium-Ion Batteries Have in Common

One of our recently published blog posts discussed easy ways to reduce electricity use at home. Among the tips offered was a suggestion to replace incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs with LED bulbs. Doing so...
sustainable christmas decoration

5 Great Tips for Reducing Holiday Waste

We are truly blessed here in the U.S. We enjoy a very high standard of living compared to many other countries. Fortunately, that high standard of living is a temptation to be wasteful. And with...
li-ion batteries

Recent Market Report Shows Good Things for Li-Ion Batteries

It goes without saying that Paleblue is bullish on lithium-ion batteries. Developing, producing, and marketing industry-leading USB rechargeable batteries is what we do. But it is good to know that the market supports our endeavors....
swedish flag

Swedish Company Proves the Viability of Battery Recycling

Our loyal customers know that one of our company goals is reducing the number of alkaline batteries manufactured, purchased, and thrown into landfills every year. 
electricity at home

Easy Ways to Use Less Electricity at Home

We are all about making better use of resources here at Paleblue. A major part of that is reducing waste. The more waste we can eliminate, the more efficiently we will use the resources we...
circular economy

Manufacturing, Recycling, and the Circular Economy

Have you heard of the circular economy? A circular economy is one in which products and materials are utilized in such a way as to decrease both the volume of production and waste the economy...
PBE batteries

Better State Laws Could Lead to More Battery Recycling

One of the reasons we started Paleblue was to offer customers an alternative to disposable alkaline batteries. Our goal was, and still is, to reduce the total number of alkaline batteries thrown into landfills. Switching...
paleblue AA batteries

Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle: It is All Good

The global drive for sustainability has ultimately led to a better understanding of how each of us can reduce waste. Reducing waste is just one piece of the sustainability puzzle. The three easiest ways to...