disposable batteries lined up

Do Recycled Batteries Really Have Value?

The most important thing to remember here is that recycling reduces the amount of waste that has to be dealt with. Recycling also reduces our dependence on the resources needed to make batteries. 
mixing types of batteries

Why Experts Recommend Never Mixing Batteries

Perhaps you've read articles in which experts recommend always using batteries of the same type, brand, and age. Those same experts warn against mixing batteries.
differences in batteries

Active and Passive Battery Balancing: What's the Difference?

You don't have to worry about battery balancing when you're using disposable alkaline batteries, either. But why use disposables when rechargeable lithium-ion batteries work just as well and, over the long-term save money?
fully charged batteries

Disposable Batteries Are Like Coins in a Jar

Believe it or not, disposable alkaline batteries were the primary impetus for starting Paleblue. Our company founders were shocked to learn just how many disposable batteries are being used and thrown into landfills.
rechargeable toothbrush

The Future of Rechargeable Consumer Products

We recently heard some skepticism about the timing of our reinvention of the rechargeable battery. It went something like, ‘it is bad timing for Paleblue to create a solution just as the world is integrating...
old batteries

Sustainability and Competitiveness Don't Have to Be at Odds

In the modern drive to create a more sustainable world, we see manufacturers coming out with all sorts of products intended to target a particular audience. When those products fail, it is often because they...
eco friendly batteries

In a More Sustainable World the Little Things Add Up

You might look at replacing your disposable batteries with USB rechargeable batteries from Paleblue as contributing very little to the grand scheme of things. We agree, to a point. If the only means of achieving...
paleblue batteries and phone

The Phone With The Alkaline Battery – It Was Real

We take our cell phones for granted. We plug them in before bed, then wake with the expectation of having a fully charged phone ready to go. It's all made possible by lithium-ion technology.
paleblue's batteries - AA

You Can Recharge Alkaline Batteries But Should You?

Internal off gassing, made worse by heat, creates pressure that can breach battery seals. Therefore, the risk of leakage is an even bigger risk when recharging.