Get the Most from Your Li-Ion Batteries During the Summer Months

Lithium-ion batteries, especially the USB-C rechargeable batteries sold by Pale Blue Earth, are ideal for portable electronics. They work extremely well to keep devices powered during the summer months, when so many of us are out and about enjoying everything that the season has to offer. But regardless of season, lithium-ion batteries still need to be taken care of.
Lithium-ion batteries manufactured to consumer form factors are a good choice for cameras, toys, Xbox controllers, headlamps, flashlights, etc. Take care of your batteries and they will work faithfully charge after charge. But like anything else, you might reduce battery life span by not taking care of them.
To that end, here are five tips for getting the most from your lithium-ion batteries during the summer months:
1. Avoid Exposure to Direct Sunlight
It is always a good idea to avoid exposing batteries to direct sunlight. Excessive heat can reduce lifespan. It can cause battery degradation. Under extreme conditions, batteries exposed to direct sunlight can overheat. Do not even take the risk. Keep lithium-ion batteries in a cool, dry place if they are not being used in a device.
2. Don't Leave Them Charging Endlessly
Some USB-C rechargeable batteries have built-in technology to prevent them from overcharging. Paleblue batteries have it. Nonetheless, it's still not a good idea to leave your batteries charging endlessly. If it only takes an hour or two to fully charge a set of cells, unplug them after enough time has lapsed. Don't leave them plugged in overnight or for days on end.
3. Keep the Batteries Charged
Unlike some other rechargeable battery technologies, lithium-ion batteries do not suffer from the same memory problem. What does this mean? It means you don't have to let them fully discharge before charging them again. In fact, it's better to not fully discharge lithium-ion batteries. Paleblue batteries have an over-discharge protection circuit built into every batter.
Also, it is better to charge the batteries as soon as you're done using them rather than waiting until you need them. So the simple rule of thumb is just to keep them charged, or at least don’t let them sit for a year or two between charges. Then you always have batteries ready to go at a moment's notice.
4. Minimize Thermal Cycling
A Pale Blue Earth rechargeable USB-C battery will give you a 1000+ charges if you take care of it. All batteries will lose some longevity if they are exposed to many thermal cycles (from low temp to high temp and back again) so it’s best to minimize this. That being said, they are rated for use to -4 degrees Fahrenheit.
5. Don’t charge when frozen
Don’t charge Li-ion batteries when they are below freezing, this can cause degradation and reduced performance. Let them warm up to room temperature before charging.