Checklists and Sincerity Won't Save the Planet

Earth Day rolls around every 22nd of April. As this post is being written, Earth Day 2023 was just a few days ago. And as is the case every year, we saw a ton of blog posts and articles offering checklists of easy ways you and I can work together to save the planet. If you’re looking to save on supporting sustainability, and you missed our Earth Day promotion on our lithium-ion rechargeable batteries, we would encourage you to sign up for our emails to get yourself a discount code.
We are pro environmental protection here at Paleblue. We support sustainability and conservation efforts. We are definitely always aiming to make the smartest resource decisions in our business practices and personal lives. Here’s some ideas for helping reduce your impact on the our wild places and resources.
Our Top 5 Checklist
Using rechargeable lithium-ion batteries
Avoiding single-use plastics
Buy clothes and other products that are built to last
Walking and riding bikes more often
Reducing personal waste streams
All these things are good. All can contribute avoiding some of your impacts. But there’s also things you can do not to have less negative impact, but to have more positive impacts.
We Need a Change in Mindset
One mindset sees the world as a limited resource that can easily be exhausted if we're not careful about what we do. An alternative mindset would say that we have a lot of resources, energy and capable people who can put their time and effort into making positive impacts. We prefer to look at the world with the latter mindset, often called an abundance mindset and aim to be proactive when and where we can.
Improving the future of our planet requires a change in mindset. Individuals, families, communities, businesses and governments can do more good, not just less harm. The opportunities you may find locally will depend on where you are, but likely there are ways you can help clean up or protect clean air, water and land.
Here at Paleblue, one of our stated goals is the elimination of disposable alkaline batteries altogether. We don't want our USB-C rechargeable batteries to be just another alternative to alkaline. We do not want people to choose our batteries just because they end up costing a lot less in the long run. We want them to swear off disposable batteries for good because they understand the implications of not doing so.
We Can View the World Differently
We are encouraged every time we see creative efforts to promote sustainability and conservation. Not only do we look forward to seeing the benefits of those efforts, but the efforts also make us keenly aware of the fact that it is possible to view the world differently. Any one of us can make the choice to start viewing the world as a precious place with abundance to be applied to doing more good.
We hope you practice sustainability in your daily life. And if using rechargeable lithium-ion batteries is on a checklist you choose to follow, good for you.
- Tags: Sustainability