Don’t restrain your battery voltage

Date Last Modified: October 25, 2024
Would you accept it if someone wanted to put a speed regulating governor on your car? What if your keyboard limited your typing speed to what the laptop manufacturer thought was reasonable? The clear answer is that consumers want reliable performance that doesn’t limit their potential.
At Paleblue, we apply this sort of thinking to our product design and development thinking and process. We aim to provide the best performing products possible using the best technology available today. This has been a high bar to set for ourselves, premium product from premium expectations, but it is the one that makes us proud every time we hear from our excited customers. There is no greater honor as an innovation and product focused company to be loved as a brand due to the adventures, work, and fun our products enable.
If you prefer a full power battery, whether it’s 100% charged, or in its last 5% then Paleblue is the only way to go. The BMS on each of our batteries regulates the 3.7V li-ion cell to an available and consistent 1.5 Volts. From fully charged down to the last 1%, your batteries will be 1.5V (9V which is of course a stable 9V, CR123A is a stable 3.0V) after which there is a voltage dip to alert the user that the batteries will be running out of power soon. If you're interested, give our batteries a try.