Yes, Consistency Matters with Batteries

Imagine a cup of coffee that got weaker as you drank it, or a friend who became less reliable as the day went on. How about your electronics – a flashlight that gets dimmer over time, a toy that gets slower as you play with it, a door lock that doesn’t have enough power to open even though your batteries have 30% of their on-board energy still technically available.
While we demand nothing less from all modern products, the world is still using alkaline batteries by the billions. We throw away approximately 100,000 lbs of household batteries per hour around the world and they all have this fundamental flaw. Now, there is no way to make an alkaline battery provide a stable output voltage; it’s just the nature of the chemistry and how it creates that voltage that it will decay with use. Seems less than ideal to us.
Fortunately, Li-ion chemistry’s native voltage is around 3.6-3.7V. So, with more available power under the hood, there’s more that we can do to better manage the limitations of old battery chemistries. We are living in ‘the lithium ion age’ after all.
In addition to their uniquely stable power output, Paleblue’s products offer fast and convenient charging by USB-C and provide our customers with huge savings in money, waste, and time (trips to the store and to the recycling center).