Why Choose 9V Over AA Rechargeable Batteries?

plain 9v battery


Last modified: February 2024 


We carry all the most popular form factors for consumer batteries here at Paleblue Earth. Two of our biggest sellers are the AA and 9V USB-C rechargeables. Strangely enough, if you were to dissect an alkaline 9V battery (we definitely advise against doing this) you would discover that inside are six 1.5V AAAA cells. That begs the question, why would a manufacturer choose to build a product requiring a 9V over one taking AA batteries?


The answer to that question depends on who you ask. And trust us when we say that opinions vary. Some people say it is nothing but a form factor issue. Others say that manufacturers choose battery types based on voltage, power density, and amperage.


We wouldn't even think of trying to explain it all. We are not electronics manufacturers, so we have no way of knowing why a company chooses one battery over another. What we do know is that 9V batteries are still in demand. So are AAs. As long as this is the case, we will keep selling them.



Typical 9V Battery Uses


A 9V battery is ideal in a device that draws very little power under normal circumstances but needs a quick burst of energy at a moment's notice. This is why smoke detectors often run on 9V batteries. TV remotes used to be powered by 9Vs as well. But in an effort to slim the devices down, manufacturers began switching to AAs and AAAs.


The one disadvantage of the 9V design is its overall size and shape. It certainly requires a larger battery compartment compared to a device using two AA batteries. On the other hand, six AA batteries would take up a lot more space to achieve the same voltage.


AA Batteries Rule the Battery World


Manufacturers have gradually embraced the AA battery as standard. You could say that AAs rule the world. We can certainly say that our customers buy a lot of AA relative to the other sizes. And with USB-C technology now being introduced in the rechargeable battery arena, we hope to sell even more since we know than every battery sold will save the world a lot of single use batteries..


USB-C make rechargeable 9V and AA batteries more convenient by offering a universal plug. Because the connection transfers more power as well, USB-C makes for faster charging. We are excited to see what this technology does to drive the rechargeable battery industry forward.


Choose Lithium-Ion Batteries


Whether you need 9V, AA, AAA, C, or D batteries, we encourage you to choose lithium-ion when it makes sense, which is most of the time. It is just better technology than its alkaline counterpart. Disposable batteries had their day in the sun. Now it's time for them to move over and make way for rechargeable lithium-ion cells.


You may be wary of lithium-ion batteries because of past experience with other rechargeable technologies. We understand. First generation rechargeables were not known for optimal performance. Some of those previous technologies didn't hold a charge very well, either. Li-ion has changed the game, and it is often said we are living in the ‘li-ion age.’


Put Our Rechargeable Batteries to the Test


If you are in the market for new batteries, we invite you to put ours to the test. We are confident that you will never go back to disposable alkalines after using Paleblue rechargeable batteries. They are that easy to use, convenient, and will save you plenty of money and waste.


Paleblue offers batteries in all the most common form factors. We have you covered with AAA, AA, 9V, C, and D and certainly will soon bring other options. Just take a look on our website and see for yourself.