5 Practical Benefits of Reducing Your Personal Waste Stream

zero waste

Every human being produces waste. Unfortunately, many of us produce more than we really need to. It is that excess waste that we should be trying to reduce as much as possible. From our perspective, a good place to start is eliminating single-use batteries. They generate a ton of waste that is completely unnecessary at a time when USB-C rechargeable batteries offer better performance, fast charging, and reliability with a great ROI.

If you are familiar with Paleblue Earth as a company, you might know that one of our founding principles is helping to reduce the number of alkaline batteries disposed of in landfills and reduce waste in general. Some types of waste are worse than others because they are so easily avoided. Battery waste certainly fits the bill.

In the spirit of reducing waste, we have put together a list of five practical benefits that come from reducing your personal waste stream:

1. Financial Savings

One of the most visible downsides of generating access waste is a comparable amount of financial waste. Disposable alkaline batteries offer the perfect illustration when compared with Paleblue USB-C batteries. You are actually spending more by continuing to use alkaline batteries.

Alkaline batteries seem cheaper because they cost less at check out (although they are getting more expensive lately). But every alkaline battery is tossed after a single use. Our lithium-ion batteries can be charged 1,000 times or more. You can do the math yourself based on how frequently you buy batteries. But one way or the other, you are going to spend more money over the long term on alkaline products. Their single-use nature makes them very costly over time, not to mention all the packaging waste and trips to the store.

2. Fewer Garbage Bags

Generating less waste results in filling fewer garbage bags. That means fewer trips to the dumpster if you rent an apartment. If you rent or own a home, it means fewer trips to the curb with the garbage tote. Getting rid of your garbage requires less time, effort, and money because there is less to get rid of.

3. Fewer Shopping Trips

It has been our experience that consumers who commit to generating less waste become more conscious about their purchases as well. That is good in and of itself. But there is an added bonus: fewer trips to the store.

Reducing waste translates into getting more out of those things you purchase. Wasting less food translates into having to visit the grocery store less frequently. Reducing battery waste means fewer trips to the store to buy replacement batteries, less gas used, less wear and tear on your car, etc. Overall, you become more conscientious about the way you shop. You end up making fewer shopping trips and buying fewer things.

4. A Simpler Life

Though there are exceptions to the rule, many people who make an intentional decision to reduce waste end up figuring out that there are simpler ways to live as well. They end up trading a busy, complicated life for a simpler life that relies less on things do bring happiness and fulfillment. That is a big step. However, it is a step worth taking.

5. Helping Your Town

Finally, reducing waste actually helps your town and its efforts to effectively deal with municipal waste. If everyone in your city committed to reducing waste, stress on local landfills would be reduced. Town officials would have an easier time solving the municipal waste problem because there would be less waste to account for.

Are you working to reduce your personal waste stream? If not, a good place to start is eliminating battery waste. Replace your disposable alkaline batteries with USB-C rechargeable products from Paleblue.